Here is
the video of the talk Martina Flor
shared last Feb. 21 on the monthly meeting of the Creative Mornings in Berlin. The talk by the Argentinean designer
had the title "Stepping out of your
comfort zone". And, very beautifully presented, it explained how advisable
is to confront bravely the challenges
we find in our professional life.
exemplified it with her own experiences. The method she suggested to achieve better projects was simple: Just do it and then show it.
It was a nice coincidence the title of the talk and the day it happened. Because just a
couple months ago I wanted to spread
a new "tradition": I
find so important to leave our safe spaces regularly, that I started to "celebrate", on the 21st of every month, the "Out of the comfort
zone" Day.

So it was an even nicer coincidence that last 21st I was taking part on something so estrange as a “Virtual Interactive
Seminar”. The people from WorldAfterMidnight have created a virtual world to carry out any
kind of educational or collaborative meetings. It was a really nice workshop
about the innovation in the business world and, as we could interact, we
were working with a very useful model for problem solving. These
seminars are for free and take place every month; highly recommended.
Stepping out of our comfort zone is very useful for those moments in life (or at work) when life puts you in a difficult position. It's really easy to just don't do it. But when you step usually out of your comfort zone it starts being even funny!
And you? Do you
step regularly out of your comfort zone? What totally new thing,
or same thing on a totally different way, are you going to do on the next
On the next 21st I'm moving out. I guess that can be called stepping out of the comfort zone, right? =)