Thursday, December 22, 2011
Applause (3rd) (SPA)
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Brandin-4G and the "SMART-use-of-the-PHONE" movement
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Applause (2nd)

Monday, November 21, 2011
La Estrategia de Marca, un reto ineludible. (Historieta)
Friday, November 18, 2011
Just adding a really creative vinyl to the FedEx vans they "prove" the idea of the claim using one of theis main competitors: DHL

Here another example:

Being students, Thomas and Vogelius deserve a really big applause.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Brandin-G Bibles
“What is Branding?” by Matthew Healey, and “Wally Olins. On B®and” by, of course, Wally Olins. They are both quite different but truly interesting and educational.
Written as a story rather than a manual, Wally Olins. On Brand (of which I have the Spanish edition “B®and. Las marcas según Wally Olins”) has a critical and accurate perspective of the changing world of branding. It analyzes several parts of branding trying to give a historical vision from its origins to its possible future. Olins always keeps the personal point of view (including a touch of self-selling) that is conspicuous for not being afraid of change or nostalgic of yesteryear's branding that he helped to create.

On my other hand, in English this one, there is What is Branding? . It is sharply organized by topics, and completely filled of beautiful pictures and interesting evidences of all the arguments that Healy puts forward.
The book deals with the challenges when “practicing” branding, all the details to take into account when creating a brand, and a handful of examples of what to do and what not to do.

The main point that both books share is that, for any communication (not just from business -also from nonprofit societies-, not just from organizations -also from countries-, not even just from groups -also from individuals-) brands and, therefore, branding are key elements.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Branding VIRAL

Friday, October 21, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
BRAND (part 1 of 2)
What is a Brand?
Nowadays, there is still many people that would say that a Brand is the name (and the logo) of a particular product. But this definition is as shallow as saying that your lucky shirt is just a piece of Fabric.
The same way this shirt is not only its physical components, a brand is not just a name and a logo. The proof is that, even when it seems that both are really important, logos of many brands have changed during its history, and even the names of some of them. And their essence (the feelings that they trigger inside us) remain the same.
So, can we conclude that the important part of a brand is its “essence”, that is, the ideas that surround it in our mind?
Continues in the 2nd PART >>
Friday, October 7, 2011
BRAND (part 2 of 2)
Regarding a lucky T-Shirt, obviously the important part is its “essence”. The moment when you got it, whom you got it from, the important moment when you was wearing it… in short, the confidence that you feel, and the memories you recall when you wear it.
But it happens that, one day, the shirt starts getting old, the cloth wears out and the print becomes blurred... and even when you have a big engagement with your Shirt after all those years, it’s not enough to keep wearing it in the important moments. And this can result even before the shirt gets old if you find a new shirt that you like better.
The same happens with a brand, consumers’ love can dilute, or can be replaced with something else. The difference is that brand managers are aware of this and, when it comes the time when the brand stops being a good Casanova, they just carry out a great brand makeover, changing this “essence” which seemed the cornerstone of the brand.
So, if neither its “tangible” elements nor its values and ideas are the brand’s soul, since they can be changed. Which is the key piece of the brand jigsaw?
Precisely that, the change, the flexibility to be what they want to be for whom they want to be loved by. The same as the best products are those that understand their market better, the best brands are those that understand their target better.